Pinterest For Your Small Business – Yea or Nay?
Pinterest is a rising star among social media sites. Its visual nature certainly has appeal for many consumers. Pinterest users enjoy setting aside pins for places they’d like to go and items they’d like to buy, like a Spring wardrobe. Pinterest is often used to plan an event, where a person pins things to a board for their wedding, a vacation or a party. You get the idea.
But should you use Pinterest for your small business?
I could pull together a bunch of statistics that you won’t read, or I could just boil it down to this:
Pinterest reaches mostly women, the most active of which are “Millennial Moms”, more than 50% of which have a yearly income of $50k+.
Has that piqued your interest? Do you want to talk to this group? Before you create an account and start pinning things on Pinterest for your small business, scroll down and have a look at this infographic with more easily digestible details to see if Pinterest makes sense for your company.
More resources
If you’d like more nerdy data about Pinterest that cites studies and all that jazz, see this post on 25 Pinterest Stats, Facts, & PR Best Practices.
Ready to get started? Pinterest itself has great resources for businesses new to Pinterest. Begin with this post on Making Great Pins & Boards.
Who has time to sit on Pinterest pinning all the time? You don’t have to! Just make time to sit down and schedule pins once a week or so with Buffer. I used to use Viralwoot to help manage clients’ Pinterest accounts until Buffer added that functionality. Viralwoot has the additional function of promoting your pins if that’s something you want to do.
[…] Should you use Pinterest for your small business? Find out if your customers are on it with this information and infographic. […]