Wednesday Weekly What’s Going Down Online Marketing Links
A Roundup of Interesting Online Marketing Links
Welcome to the very first round-up post of interesting online marketing links and what not I’ve found in the past week. This roundup gives me the opportunity to add a little more commentary than social media allows without committing to full-blown blog posts.
I’ve been meaning to start doing this for a while, and now I’m finally doing it! Hooray!
New: Facebook Is Rolling Out Verified Badges For Local Business Pages
Hey, you local brick and mortar businesses, you will want to get this verified badge for your Facebook page. Your company will show up higher in search results, and it will help your official business page stand out from fan pages and imposters.
Taking the Stigma Out of Social Media Platforms
Don’t let opinions color your judgment about whether or not you should use a particular social media platform for your business. What matters is whether or not your target audience uses it.
5 Places To Find Hashtags For Instagram (and Twitter)
Do you struggle with finding the right hashtags to use on Instagram or Twitter? Especially Instagram since the ideal number to use is 11 or more. This post is an excellent list of places to find popular hashtags to use, but they left out my favorite one, hashtagify.me.
Mad Men of the future will be brain scientists and dream experts
As advertisers make use of big data with more and more precision, how will that change advertising practices in the future? There is good and bad news in this article. I’ll put “beaming ads at your resting mind” into the bad category.
Peeple, the Yelp for People, May or May Not Ever Be Released
An app for rating people? What could go wrong? The internet backlash was swift and crushing. But the most amusing part of the whole thing is that the people behind a people-rating app can’t take negative criticism. That’s rich.
Emoji: the Modern Idiogram Language
Why emoji aren’t just a fad but another form of language. In other words, get used to them because they aren’t going anywhere!
Police: Woman live streams herself while driving drunk
Think before you drink and Periscope. This drunken live stream happened in Florida, of course. P.S. We’re on Periscope, not drunk driving, though.
9 Google Chrome Extensions for Bloggers and Social Media Marketers
An interesting list. I have an entirely different set of Chrome Extensions. I have Personal Blocklist, Evernote Clipper, Clearly, Buffer, Pocket, Last Pass, Pin It, 1Password, Flip It, Dashlane, Insight Hero, Grammarly, and Ghostery. Whew. That’s a lot when you type it all out. Three different password managers seem excessive, but different clients use different ones. Buffer, Evernote, Grammarly, and Ghostery are my most used. What are yours?
Hi Laura. Great Article! I’m Jonah from Hashtagify.me. Thanks very much for the mention :) Have a nice weekend!
And thank you guys for such a useful tool!